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“The idea for the project Light More Light came from my long-term interest in the correlations and tensions between the public and the private, the institution and the private individual.
In the context of the exhibition Tolerabilis*, my work consists of the simple action of exchanging a chandelier hanging in the historical building where the exhibition takes place with one from the living room of an immigrant family. Neither of the lighting fixtures will be suitable for their new temporary locations, but the aim of the project is to explore the ability of the participants from both sides to endure discomfort. I assume that this will prove more difficult for the family and I wish to apologise for this and thank them in advance. The references to Goethe and the Enlightenment in the title are obvious. The project is an attempt to express my belief that the process of getting to know one other is the way towards encouraging tolerance from both sides, to indicate in an ironical and absurd way the difficulties involved in this process and to allude to the hidden and non-productive formality of the efforts made by both sides.”

* The exhibition Tolerabilis is organized within the frame of Augsburg High Peace Festival, celebrating religion freedom and tolerance since 1630.

Special thanx to turkish family Polat, Timo Koester and Ilina Koralova.
Without their support and will, this work would not be possible.